While the act of sex itself is mind blowing and very satisfying, I want to look at the Art of Teasing and the build up. I have a lot of clients that are one hit wonders, that will get there pleasure quick and easy. My advice would be to take pleasure in teasing take time in the denying yourself the full on pleasure of  a quickie. Enjoy the build up to the ultimate pleasure. You will learn very quickly that the build up is far more satisfying than the mad manic stroking some of you chronic masturbators partake in.

Think about it. Unlike sex itself, teasing can begin anytime, in a public situation or in the privacy of your own space. In my opinion its much more exciting when it starts out in the open for all to see. A simple sexy glance or a hand gliding across your knee, it can be as simple as a whisper in your ear. And it really doesn’t matter if anyone else notices your advances of your Mistresses, its all about the Art of the Tease.

So in my next blog post we will be going over the top three things that you will need to exercise with your Mistress or Wifey or even one of your several girlfriends. A sorta how to guide for teasing, being teased or welcoming the tease, no matter how you look at it, all of it will be worth your time and effort to apply to your everyday life. This will be a life changing event for all you sissies that are involved deeply in your sissification training  will love how this will add to your training.  

Ta Ta For Now Bitches

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