Phone & Texting Availability

 Phone Sex Masturbatrix Sophia 800-601-6975Keeping Up With Sophia

**All Times Eastern** 

New schedule! Monday~~Friday 4:00 AM ~~10:00 AM Eastern time zone. Times are subject to change. Email me for availability if you see that I am not available at the scheduled times. 

Saturday and Sunday: Please schedule with me at least 24 hours in advance. 

If you would like to spoil me please feel free! We are no longer having gifts shipped to our main office. But you can send an Amazon gift card to my email address

Empress Sophia

IM Me @ Empress.Sophia on Skype Messenger

For erotic Phone Sex Sessions with Empress Sophia, call 800-601-6975
Must be 18+ Calls are 2.99 per minute, with a 10-minute minimum
Billed discreetly to your credit card