Well have the Mistresses lost there yokes? (I heard a young lad use that, slang for losing your mind) Well for a full on month the ladies of the LDW Group have offered up some free phone sex events. You ask why? Well I will be glad to tell you if you have a few minutes to spare. Good I just knew you would want to know.

Well it all started at the beginning of the summer, we, the ladies of the LDW Group were trying to come up with a way we could really show the appreciation we have for our super clients. And for all you slacker boys we love so much you are just benefiting from there devotion. So the lovely Ms Ally in all her infinite wisdom decided to turn our Party Line Services into a customer appreciation line. Some where you can sit back and relax and enjoy some of your favorite Mistresses live and in your ear. The lovely ladies are appreciating those lucky clients all month long so be sure to grab your favorite night and call and listen in to some hot sexy free phone sex. It wont be around forever boys, girls and others. So enjoy it while you can.

Now going back to the hot sexy days of summer, for all my sissified girlie’s out there we are rounding that off with the perfect make-up. Be sure to have your eyebrows waxed and that 5 o’clock shadow gone. And find your perfect colors. If you go to Mary Kay and get your virtual makeover, its an awesome little tool, you can play with it all day long. So when you call maybe we should order some products together. Remember your make-up my loveys is one of the most important part of your girlie transition.

Ta Ta For Now Bitches

Empress Sophia
